Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Sermon at Southern Philippines Methodist College

Topic:My Soul Thirsty for you
Text: Psalm 63:1-5

0ne of the famous Evangelist Bill Graham visited the Dean of a one of the great American universities. And while they are looking out the window from the office the Dean, and watched hundreds of students walking to their classes.

Then Bill Graham asked the dean, ‘What is the greatest problem at this university?’ He thought a moment and answered, ‘Emptiness.’

So many people today are bored, lonely, searching for something. You can see it in their faces. Many people have lost the meaning of life; they are spending more time on internet and other devices than meeting people.

I am afraid that a time will come that even in Philippines here people will feel more emptiness.

I have been observing that people are holding mobile phone but it will hardly to hear people talking via mobile to others than sending text messages.

Gradually it seems to me that people are creating emptiness for themselves due to the advancement of technology.

One girl went home from college told her wealthy father, ‘Father, I want something, but I don’t know what it is.’

That’s true of many people; we want something to meet the deepest problems of our lives, but we haven’t found it. People are not ready to even hear what they need to hear but rather what the want.

The Apostle Paul expressed it, ‘I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content’ (Philippians 4:11)

Before we can get help to quench our thirsty, we have these things to remember’

  1. Self Confidence: A history of 0ppression, denial, injustice and abuse has been the greatest detriment to people of color. We have listened so long to what we cannot do that we have little confidence in what we can do.

It is the lack of confidence, not racism, not hatred, not lack of education or social injustice that creates the greatest deterrent to our progress.

One of the best kept secret in life is when we the children of God make up our minds into harmony with the desire in our hearts, when we pray for and follow intuitive guidance; then no one and nothing can stop us, no matter what color we may be.

Confidence and a made-up mind are the stuff kings and queens are made of. If you do not have confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. I believe that with confidence, you have won even before you have started.

So therefore, you don’t have to give up on life, to throw up your hands and cry, ‘It’s no use.’ You can have God’s peace, God’s joy, God’s happiness, God’s security; and yours can become the most great person(s) life in the world.”
2. Low self esteem; Fear and self low esteem tend to make us jump to conclusions. If what we are facing is near to our hearts, we have a tendency to expect the worst.

We miss so much, including opportunities to change, when we jump from the end to the middle, Brothers and sister, sometime in life, God opened the gate of opportunities for us to get in, but our self esteem will turn back and lock the gate of opportunities that has been opened before us. When we poise ourselves for failure, we forget our focus and goals in life.

My ancient Africans knew that no matter what were going to happen, it would not happen until it is happened, therefore, they are prepared for all possibilities in life the good and the bad. Do not jump into conclusions, you would be wrong.

Do not allow yourself to be pulled out in the middle that is a total waste of time, keep your faith, trust and stay focused, put your best foot out anyway.

The ancient ones had faith and trusted, knowing that the end is only a reflection of the beginning, because the end is not here yet. The only thing that you have to do is just put your entire weight of thought on God who is in Christ Jesus reconciling us to him.

3. Who Can Quench Your Thirst?
“I still believe that there is still emptiness within people today, and they are attempting to fill that with things that do not satisfy. Jesus said to the woman at the well, ‘Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again’ (John 4:13, NKJV).

I will like to encourage you to write this Scripture over the top of their ambition, over every goal they set for their lives.

Because my brothers and sisters, no ambition is going to satisfy your thirst, because it is a spiritual thirst.

We are a three-fold being--body, soul and spirit. We have physical thirst. We have emotional thirst for love, security and the need to be needed.

Then way down, deep inside us even now, we have a thirst for God.

In Romans 8, Paul said, ‘The creature was made subject to vanity’ (Romans 8:20, KJV). I believe that God himself created this spiritual thirst and that only He can quench.

The problem is that we are trying to quench a spiritual thirst with a physical or emotional experience. It can’t be done, even as you can’t fill a physical thirst with an emotional experience what we have to do is to trust ourselves and depend on God. Even though, sometimes we forget Him, yet he is not forgetting us.

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